Who we are
Crag Craft Resole was born from a shared frustration within the climbing community: the agonizing wait times and hassle of shipping shoes off for resoling. As a climber myself, I understand the desire to keep your trusted shoes in action rather than constantly shelling out for new pairs. That's why I created Crag Craft Resole – to provide a fast, reliable, and local solution for climbers who value quality gear and minimal downtime.
We specialize in repairing the soles of climbing shoes, giving your worn-out favorites a new lease on life. We're committed to providing top-notch craftsmanship and a quick turnaround time of just one week, so you can get back on the wall without missing a beat. At Crag Craft Resole, we're not just fixing shoes; we're supporting the climbing community by keeping climbers climbing. We're partnering with local businesses to provide convenient drop-off and pick-up locations, making the resoling process as seamless as possible. We believe in quality, reliability, and speed, and we're dedicated to keeping you sending.
Ready to get your shoes resoled? Find a convenient drop-off location near you!
Contact us
Interested in resoling? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!